
Education & advocacy webinars

A great option for design firms!

Sponsoring a webinar is a great way to raise brand awareness for your organization while providing educational engagement opportunities for the CLARB community. CLARB will promote and host all sessions, which are offered free of charge to qualified participants.

We offer two options for webinar sponsorship:  

Option #1: Sponsor-driven 

Great for continuing education courses! 

Share your expertise by partnering with CLARB to develop and co-present on a specific topic or service. In addition to positioning your organization as a thought leader on topics and services, sponsorship includes brand recognition in all promotional efforts, including emails, website, social media, slide decks and video recordings.  

$4,500 series of three 60-minute webinars 

$1,750 single 60-minute webinar

Option #2: CLARB-programmed  

CLARB offers a variety of educational engagement opportunities throughout the year in support of our mission to design, promote and defend landscape architectural standards. Sponsor a full series or a single webinar for brand recognition in all promotional efforts, including emails, website, social media, slide decks and video recordings. Promotional campaign performance and participation statistics are available upon request.


Leadership Development Program

This monthly webinar series is a free benefit to the CLARB community that offers a vast array of professional development topics such as public speaking, generational workforces, strategic planning, emotional intelligence, non-profit finance, strengths and more. It helps prepare future CLARB volunteers for service and provides valuable professional development for CLARB Record Holders.  

$12,000 Annual Presenting Sponsor   
Limited to one sponsor per 12-month fiscal year   

$1,500 Single Session Sponsor  
Up to 12 opportunities; limited to one sponsor per session 


Exam Basics and Q&A

This 60-minute webinar helps candidates prepare for the L.A.R.E by providing an overview of the exam blueprint and guiding participants through the registration process.

$1,500 Sponsor  
Maximum five sponsors 


Your Path

Your Path to Licensure

This 60-minute webinar designed for university students, educators, career-changes, L.A.R.E. candidates and all future landscape architects provides an introduction to licensure — answering questions like What is licensure? Why should I get licensed? and How do I get started? CLARB offers this session each spring and fall.

$1,500 Sponsor  
Maximum five sponsors 



Landscape Architecture Licensure Summits

These virtual and in-person sessions bring together ASLA Members, CLARB Record Holders and CLARB member boards three times per year for updates on legislative sessions and licensing reform efforts, Uniform Standard implementation and more.  

$1,250 ASLA + CLARB Spring Licensure Summit  
Wednesday, April 2, 2025 from 3:00-4:00 p.m. EDT on Zoom 

$1,250 ASLA + CLARB Summer Licensure Summit  
Wednesday, June 25 from 3:00-4:00 p.m. EDT on Zoom 

$1,250 ASLA + CLARB Fall Licensure Summit  
Wednesday, November 5 from 3:00-4:00 p.m. EST on Zoom    


In the Know

Our members-only engagement series is designed to keep CLARB’s member boards — the state and provincial licensing boards — informed about architecture regulation and CLARB projects. Sponsorship includes an optional 3-minute introduction and speaking opportunity, plus brand recognition in all promotional efforts, including emails, website, social media, slide decks and video recordings. 

$2,500 Presenting Sponsor  
for a full calendar year or pro-rated for remainder of current year 

$500 Single Session Sponsor  
limited to one sponsor per session