
Learn about licensure

Licensure is a formal, legal recognition that an individual has demonstrated the knowledge, skills and abilities to practice landscape architecture without endangering the health, safety or welfare of the public.

You must meet a jurisdiction’s requirements in education, examination and experience in order to provide landscape architectural services or to use the title “landscape architect.”

Webinar: Your Path to Licensure

Returns fall 2025

Free 60-minute webinar designed for students, educators & all future landscape architects where we'll cover:

  • What is licensure?
  • Why should I get licensed?
  • How do I get started?

And we'll answer your questions about landscape architecture licensure in the U.S. and Canada.

Why is licensure important?

When you become a licensed landscape architect, you'll gain:

The ability to practice and call yourself a landscape architect

Licensure is required to practice and call yourself a landscape architect in all 50 United States, Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta and Puerto Rico. Regardless of your education, experience or licensure in another jurisdiction, it is illegal to provide landscape architectural services or to use the title “landscape architect” unless you are licensed in the jurisdiction in which the service is provided or the representation is made.


More professional opportunities
Getting licensed shows initiative and sets you apart from other candidates for jobs. Not getting licensed could limit your career opportunities, decrease your earning potential and even delay project timelines.

The ability to practice independently

You’ll be able to practice independently without supervision or review of another professional, creating more potential for leadership opportunities and career advancement.

Equal status with other disciplines

Licensure is a professional differentiator. You’ll hold equal status to architects and engineers once you are licensed.

How to get licensed

1. Start your CLARB profile

Create your account to start building your free profile, access exclusive resources and get the latest CLARB updates while completing your education.

2. Consider where you want to work

Each "jurisdiction," or state/province/region, has a licensing board that issues licenses for their area. Requirements for testing eligibility, education and experience vary by jurisdiction, so keep this in mind if you may want to practice in a different state or country in the future.

You can be licensed in as many jurisdictions as you want, and many practicing professionals are licensed in multiple jurisdictions. Your first license is referred to as your "initial license," and the term "reciprocal license" is used to describe subsequent licenses.

Eligibility map

3. Complete "The Three E's"


Complete your education

Earn your LAAB- or LAAC-accredited degree in landscape architecture (or ask the CLARB support team about alternate education pathways).


Take the exam

All licensed landscape architects must take and pass CLARB's four-part Landscape Architect Registration Examination (L.A.R.E.). This computerized exam tests the knowledge and skills that you will use every day as a landscape architect to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public.

Establish your Council Record

The Council Record is a valuable tool for every stage of your career — from exam candidate to established professional. It is a verified history of your education, experience, examination, licensure history and professional references. Use your Council Record to apply for examination, licensure and certification. 


Gain experience

Most jurisdictions allow you to begin the exam process while you are gaining the experience required for licensure under supervision of a licensed landscape architect. This allows you to complete your Exam and Experience concurrently.

4. Apply for licensure

Once you have completed the Education, Examination and Experience requirements for your jurisdiction, it's time to apply for licensure using your completed Council Record.

Your completed Council Record will automatically be evaluated for CLARB Certification, the industry recognized distinction for landscape architect professionals that signifies you have met the professional standards established by CLARB and carries our recommendation that you be granted licensure without further review. Becoming CLARB Certified gives you a competitive advantage and fast tracks your path to licensure.

Learn about landscape architecture



The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) is the professional association for landscape architects in the United States of America.



The Canadian Society of Landscape Architects / Association des architectes paysagistes du Canada (CSLA / AAPC) is the association for landscape architects in Canada.



The International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) is the body representing landscape architects worldwide, with 78 Member Associations in Africa, Americas, Middle East, Asia-Pacific and Europe.